Please give us your feedback, comments or suggestions

Want to make a suggestion to the practice?

Your comments and suggestions are important to us, please click on the link below and complete the form to send them to us. Please only use this form for comments about the practice and suggestions as to how we can improve our service to you.

Medical matters, clinical requests are not dealt with via the Feedback form. If you have a query or request about a medical matter please either use our appointments request form or call reception on 020 7272 1585. 

Want to make a complaint?

We do our very best to give patients a good experience when using our services.  However we are aware that things can sometimes go wrong resulting in a patient feeling they have a real cause for complaint.  If this has happened to you, we want the matter to be settled as quickly and amicably as possible. 

So if you're not able to resolve it by talking immediately to a member of staff, please use our complaints form to record the incident and our Complaints Manager will deal with your concerns.  Before completing this form, do please do consider calling and talking to someone - we may be able to resolve your problem and relieve bad feelings really quickly in a completely confidential and friendly phone call or meeting.

Medical matters, clinical requests are not dealt with via the Complaint form. If you have a query or request about a medical matter please either use our appointments request form or call reception on 020 7272 1585.